Sunday, August 30, 2009

what did I get myself into?

This week was the math refresher for the Executive MBA program that I enrolled in at Chapman University. It was interesting to meet some of the professors and the other students. However, right around 9:30 PM Thursday night when we were rolling on derivatives, my brain started to turn to mush. And, apparently, I wasn't the only one who felt that way.

Fortunately, we are treated like executives, and had a fabulous dinner of roast beef loin, mashed potatoes (from scratch), baby green salad, lemon cake and fresh fruit before class. I know now to load up on coffee before heading down to the classroom. Saturday morning, we had breakfast burritos with fresh salsa, pastries, fresh fruit and juice. Plus lots of coffee!

The math review was helpful, and the professor said what I love hearing after spending hours learning something, "Don't worry about memorizing any of this, you'll never use it again." Argghhh!

Honestly, though, it was like reviewing sentence structure before writing the great American novel-important to understand, but not something you think about as you work.

Next week we head to Del Mar for the first of three residentials. Lots of reading assigned before we get there, so it won't be all fun and games.

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